Wednesday 4 November 2009

Of Pharmacy and Phree Speech

Well it's been a long time coming and now, after a brief false start last week, it finally arrived. Errgh? I'm talking about The Pharmacist, the debut full-length feature for Texture Films and the debut acting performance of Stovepony recording artist, Simon Onions. And you know? It's actually very good.

Briefly, the film revolves around the title character, played by Liana Gould, an embattled South-East London high-street pharmacist, surrounded by the needy men and petty bureaucracy. Tell me about it! I'm about as cheesed off with Boots, but I digress - that's for another time and another place.

Anyway, she discovers smalltime gangster Onions, hiding out and wounded and so begins a dangerous trail of dodgy dealings, drugs, dogs and.... Look, you'll just have to see it! Suffice to say it's great, Simon also provides the original music, and there's a bit of Bonnie Prince Billy in there too. Out officially next year.

While I'm here, I just want to flag up the fact that I was shocked, stunned and, frankly, not best pleased earlier today because some twat called me a hypocrite because of my perceived (by them) anti-free speech stance. For the record, I truly believe in the right to free speech, even for the most unsavoury. But there is such a thing as abuse of that right. And today, someone crossed that line. To them I say, you have the right speak as freely as you like, but don't also expect the right not to be called on it.

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